Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just got home today...

Yes today not yesterday like was planned. The heart cath went well, her pressures were good and she's ready for her Fontan. As usual she came out very agitated from the anesthesia. So it was a bit difficult to keep her flat and calm. After a while she did calm down and we both fell asleep.
Waiting in the lobby to get called in.

Ok we are on the gurney!
Let me double check these consents!

So after our nap, I notice Angelina's face is starting to get flushed, she's feeling warm and she's getting agitated again. Her temperature was ok but her face started to get more beet red and she's more upset. By this point she is so upset that now she's turning blue and her sats start dropping. And you know that the last thing an agitated baby wants is a oxygen mask on. And if this wasn't enough her face starts really puffing up! Her poor eyes puffed up and for some reason her left side is worse than her right. So both the anesthesiologist and the cardiologist get called back to her bedside. By this time the redness spreads to her arms and her left leg. She was cath'd in her right groin and her right foot which was previously warm is now cool. Am I worried? Just a bit!!!
Its decided it has nothing to do with her circulation and its probably an allergic reaction to something. Her lungs sound clear and the chest Xray looks good. So finally a while after getting some steroids and benadryl she goes to sleep and the redness starts to fade. And now she's bought herself an overnight stay.

The puffiness has gone way down in the above pictures and she's not red anymore. As you can tell she is NOT a happy camper!

The pictures below were from this morning. She was feeling better and ready for breakfast.

She had one more episode last night of getting flushed, sounding raspy and getting agitated. They gave her benadryl and it seemed to help. Luckily they let us go home. She occasionally sounds raspy but I think its also from being intubated. We'll keep giving her benadryl for tonight and hope she is even better tomorrow. At least her appetite is good and she did flash a few smiles at the doctors and nurses.
So now the next step is to see an Allergist. She's very sensitive to things, so I am interested in seeing this specialist.
Thanks for checking on us!


Kathy said...

OH my goodness. You sound so calm. Are you ok??
Isaac is crazy sensitive too. He can't even have plastic tape on his skin now...maybe it's just all the drugs. who knows!
You know...even when she's not feeling good..she's so darn cute. I could pinch those cheeks all day long. I KNOW she has you guys wrapped!!! (only because I know that I've been wrapped too)

Good luck with the allergist. Hope you get some sleep tonight.

AND...I am very proud of you for updating us so soon...GOOD JOB!

Tina:0) said...

Wow - what a day! After Vaeh's last cath, she came home that night, but got herself an ambulance ride back up to the children's hospital with pneumonia. Silly chest x-rays & their lag! She had looked fine during the cath & both post op x-rays!! Oh, well!

She looks like she's feeling better in the pictures from the next morning!

Praying that she continues to do well at home!

Rachel Dominguez said...

so glad to hear you guys made it home and that the Cath went well. Sorry to hear about the allergic reaction. That too can be scary.

I just love seeing pictures of this beautiful girl! She is such a beauty.

I will be praying non stop about this Fontan Surgery!


Drew and Ava's Grandma said...

I'm so glad the cath went well, and that you are on your way to the Fontan. What hospital will you be at?

PS - your little angel is ADORABLE, and what a little tropper! God bless these kids!


Unknown said...

I'm glad the cath went well. I would have totally freaked out about the swelling as well. Just not what you want to happen after a cath.

The Portas said...

I'm so glad your hospital stay was relatively quick and is OVER. I just dread being in that place.

Elijah always gets flushed and red for a while after his caths. The doctors have always told us that it's a reaction to a certain medication they give him during the procedure. I can't remember the name of it, though.

She's still so darn cute even when she's mad! What a sweetie pie. Give her lots of hugs and smooches for me. oxoxoxox