Wednesday, September 24, 2008


We are sick! At least Angelina and I are....hopefully no one else will get sick. Because then it just turns into a vicious cycle!
Being sick is one of my big worries with Angelina's surgery coming up. There's too many of us too keep healthy. Lil Alex likes to bring home cooties from school all the time. On Monday we got a letter from his preschool, saying he might have been exposed to Chicken Pox! Seriously?!! Should I just keep everyone home until next, that might drive Momma batty!
Sadly I brought the cooties home this time. I think I caught it at work. It started on Sunday, with a bit of a sore we are into full blown bronchitis. Unfortunately the kids aren't buying into "Family Nap Time." So I have to wait for hubby to get home!
Angelina has a very mild cough and some congestion requiring a humidifier @ night. No fevers at this time. Luckily she's sleeping through the night without coughing....unlike Mommy!
I'm worried because I was told that if she was to get an upper respiratory infection/RSV her pulmonary pressures could be elevated for a month and they would have to delay surgery. Not sure if this means we have to post pone the heart cath scheduled for Oct 6th. Guess I better call and check!


Tina:0) said...

Oh no, not the sickies?! Hope everyone is feeling better & "the cycle" stops before its wide spread!

The Portas said...

I don't know what it is with all of the sickness going around, but it scares me! Already?!? Well I hope you guys get better quickly.

Elijah had an upper respiratory infection going into his last surgery, and we didn't need to postpone. I never heard about the one-month rule. October 6th is still a ways away, so I'm sure she'll be just fine.

Take care of yourselves! Sending you prayers for health and lots of rest! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mami,

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm so glad to meet someone else that doesn't say "Huh?" when I say DiGeorge syndrome! :) It's interesting, though, how differently DiGeorge presents itself. We knew at 20 weeks in utero that Madeline had spina bifida, but it was never connected with DiGeorge's until her chromosome tests came back. Even then, they didn't connect the dots until they did some research and found that SB is a presenting complication. Evidently sb is one of the rarer problems. She does (did?) have peripheral pulmonic stenosis, but I never heard anyone act too concerned about it. So really the only other thing with the DiGeorge is the immune system.

It sounds like you've had a pretty long road with the heart problems resulting from DiGeorge. I'll be praying that things go smoothly from here on out.

Wow, I love her hair! She has a ton of it!

Pam Asbury

Kathy said...

Oh Ana...
I think I gave you MY COOTIES!!


I'm still hacking up a lung...GEEZ! (I guess I should take my antibitotics...or should I?? My snot is clear!--Tell me!!)

ok..I hope your germs don't spread...just cover yourself with lysol! (I'm a spraying fanatic!)

I think you need to pull that camera out this weekend...
hope you get some sleep tonight!


Drew and Ava's Grandma said...

Dear Ana,

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, I would love to have you, your sisters, or anyone that wants or needs to share emotions and experiences to use my blog as a place to vent, brag, or trade experiences. Maybe you can translate for your mom. My heart goes out to her and I think it's wonderful that you realize her unique situation. You are a great mom and a very sweet daughter.

My grandson also was sick before his last cath, and was well enough a week later to have it.But, if that turns out not to be the case, I know its hard, but they'll just schedule another one and that will be okay, too. Hang in there and give your beautiful family a hug from me.


Drew and Ava's Grandma said...

Sorry, Ana, my you can tell I'm new at this. I gave the wrong name for my blog on the comment above. It is actually


Unknown said...

Oh no...not the cooties!!! Hope you all are on the mend.