Friday, July 18, 2008

Our first day....

Wow, it's been a good day! Very informative, and in a little bit we get to go to a "Motown Magic" family dinner with music and dancing. With all this new info I think we are more ready for a nap!
We actually got our first 1:1 today with Dr. Shprintzen, this was very exciting as he is the founder of the Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome Education Foundation, and the first to really describe the syndrome! I'll tell you more about this later, for now we have to run!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, I found your site through your comment on Elijah's blog and wanted to say hi. My daughter has DiGeorge Syndrome and had her first open heart surgery last year. I love meeting other VCFS, DiGeorge families since we all go through so much of the same stuff. I am SO happy you were able to make it to the convention. I really wanted to go but we didn't have the money to send me. Maybe next year. I haven't had the chance to read up on your daughters story but I will.

Take Care,

P.S. Our blog is set to private so if you want to view it all you have to do is email and tell me who you are and I'll send you an invite.