Sunday, November 23, 2008

She's a Maniac, Maniac!

Here is our little girl paying homage to Flashdance!

As u can see she is pretty active. The laughter in the background is her partner in crime Aunti Jesse!


Tawny, Bo and Orion Aye said...

omigod this is sooooooo great!!!!! thanks for the smiles!

Mami Adame said...

By the way Kathy, this was posted by my hubby Alex!

Wendy said...

She's just precious! I love her! My little guy still barely has peach fuzz.

Hey I posted a blog about doulas and L&D nurses that I would love to get your feedback on. Can you help me make that article better by posting a comment from a L&D nurse's point of view? It doesn't have to be long, but I would love to hear from you!

Hope you are well. Maybe I'll get to work with you again in L&D sometime. :-)

The Portas said...

Oh my goodness! That is so funny and cute. I can't believe how much groovin' she is doing! And all of that gorgeous hair, too, wow!

Gonna go watch again...ssoooo funny. :)

Unknown said...

I just love her hair. OMG she is the cutest