Friday, September 19, 2008

......It's been a while

We've been busy, getting use to every body's different schedule. Squeezing appointments here and there. Every body's got somewhere to go, all at different times of course, and it takes some careful planning!

Marcelina has settled into school nicely. We are actually so proud of her today because she's making herself stand out as an excellent student! Each month they have to learn a new poem and recite it in front of the class. They get full points only if they add a bit of their own pizazz to it. It was due next week, but Marcelina informed her teacher she was ready to go this week. She recited it yesterday, adding her own flair with props. Her teacher was so impressed, not only for being ready, but for going 1st, that she asked her if she could perform for the other 2 2nd grade classes, so they could have an example. So today my brave little girl recited her poem to 2 different classes. She said she was a little nervous, but didn't forget her words! Yes I'm a proud Mommy! My first baby is growing up so quickly. A little too much at times because the eye rolling and scoffing has begun!

Lil Alex, he's a smart monkey too! Too much for his own good, because he always has something to say. This child is constantly talking! He's reading short words, and constantly stopping to try and read signs. He even answered while Marcelina was practicing her math facts the other day! Maybe it was coincidence....nah! As much as he is my cute little guy, he is also my monster...lots of attitude lately! In part I blame it on the constant running around. Seems like as soon as he's settled into his quiet playing- its time to run off some where else. I agree it's not fair.

Miss Angelina is also a busy body. She won't sit still for a minute! It's hard for me to get a picture of her like this. She's cruising all over the place. She's got physical therapy twice a week, occupational therapy once a week and her teacher that comes and sees her every week. AND we are trying to get her speech therapy! Angelina has figured out that she can complain and resist therapy when its not going her way. For the most part she's cooperative, she just prefers some activities such as the swing, the trampoline and the slide best over others.

We have her heart cath scheduled for October 6th. Yikes! Yes it still makes my stomach turn. After this we'll see Dr. Bailey (Cardiothoracic Surgeon) to set the date for her Fontan. (more stomach turning). The plan is to do the surgery in late December...yuck! Her heart has grown appropriately and thank goodness her heart function is good. The hope is that she will be walking by the time her surgery comes around. With the Fontan kids are more at risk for pleural effusions, which means chest tubes! If she's walking it will definitely be more beneficial to her recovery. Having worked on the unit right next door to the pediatric cardiac unit, I recall seeing these toddlers crying the whole time they are being walked down the hall with drains in tow. (ugh there goes my stomach again!)

So why in December? 1st: the walking, 2nd: kids will be on break, 3rd I will definitely have more help available to me during this time. It's scary because yes it's right during RSV season. My plan is to hopefully do it immediately after Christmas. I just can't bare to do it before! Too many what ifs, and I really want my kids (AND my family) to enjoy their holidays. So we'll see, for now, we'll do our best to stay healthy and put on some weight (not me, just Angelina!)

She Loves Dancing! Check out some of our adventures in the picture slides below!


Tina:0) said...

Love the new look for the blog & the signature too!

Vaeh's first open heart was in December & she came out okay. She had a struggle, only because she had gong into heart failure turned pneumonia 3 weeks prior to her surgery (she was only two months old!)! Everything will be just fine & she'll come through it like a trooper! Keeping you all in our prayers!

The Portas said...

I definitely understand all of the stomach turning. Everything will happen in the RIGHT time, though, and everything will be ok (I know, much easier to say it...). We will all be praying our hearts out for Angelina! What a sweet little dancer she is! Maybe she could come teach Elijah how to dance. :) Have a great weekend..xoxoxox

Kathy said...

Angelina can not get any cuter! I could just eat her up!! Walking by Christmas...I think she can do it!!! You need to get an agent for your girls (and Alex too)...they are just adorable!

Be brave mama! She'll sail through her cath....and you'll enjoy the holidays before the surgery. You have a good plan laid out...

I love the pics at the top of your'd you do that??

Hope you guys are having a good weekned!

Sherri said...

I love the new look!!! Your kids are so cute!!!

Unknown said...

I also love the new look.

You sure are one busy momma. I definintly understand the stomach turning. Just concentrate on having a wonderful Christmas with your family!

I absoltuely LOVE the video. Seriously, I think Angelina is one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen. Give her some love for me!

Much love,
