It has taken me a year to be more comfortable researching Angelina’s syndrome. It breaks my heart every time I do! Then I look at her and realize how amazing she is! Not only has she had heart surgeries but she also has a feeding tube through her tummy that we must feed her through, she goes to physical and occupational therapy, she takes several medications and sees her doctors frequently.
Thankfully there is the VCFS Educational Foundation. It is through this foundation I have found inspiration; I have learned more about the syndrome and about how to care for our baby girl. I recently discovered this Foundation is having a conference, their 15th Annual Scientific Meeting. It is geared towards parents, clinicians and of course scientists. At the conference they will share “the latest updates in VCFS, therapies, education, and current research....there will be a chance to have lunch with the experts and one on one time with many professionals, through the individual consultations.” Can I tell you this makes me so excited?!! It’s from July 18-20th...in Troy, Michigan. Caring for our three kids; Marcelina 6, Alex 3, and Angelina when both parents work is already a challenge in itself. Having to come up with $3000 for Angelina and us, her parents, to attend this conference is an even greater feat. Unfortunately there is no extra money in the household budget to pay for this very important trip.
In order to find a way to make the journey, we are planning several fundraisers. We will keep you posted on these and hope you can join us! If you can help us with donations, you can also do it through the DONATE link on this website. The conference is just around the corner; please help us make it there! We thank you in advance for your help!
1 comment:
Hi Ana,
Caleb brought home the flyer today from school and we read about Angelina. Caleb is gung ho to do a lemonade stand to raise money :-) Wondering if I could help in someway - I am a professional photographer (my site is www.apdesignandphoto.com) and could do a fundraiser for you if you'd like. I cannot imagine how difficult things must be for you. I knew that Angelina had heart surgery the beginning of the school year, but had no idea of her story. Let us know how we can help!
Mandi (Caleb's mom/Mrs. Pratt)
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